Introduce Van Loi Company

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Vanloi Food Processing Co., LTD has a precursor as VanLoi Privately-Owned Enterprise which is established in 1995. The company now is operated by Owner / Director, and one of the valued exporter of Cantho City.

 Van Loi rice products

sản phẩm gạo vạn lợi

Processing company limited supply food van special benefits provided in national rice 5 % , polls are products are high quality products vietnam , to be used more information agency.

 Manufacturing processes

xuất khẩu gạo

Field sample => harvesting rice => the dryer => factory scrapes => separation plant grain, color separation => factory polishing => bagging plant.

Enterprise lowering rice prices export

In when paddy rice at market inland undergone a week maintain prices at low levels, then many businesses Vietnam continue lowering prices greet rice for export respect with kind 5% plate, although have information Government Thai Lan temporarily postponed sold out 500,000 tons rice from warehouses reserves.
Many enterprises continue lowering prices greet rice for export respect with kind 5% plate. Photo: Trung Chanh
According Food Association Vietnam (VFA), compared with week before, currently price greet export respect with rice 5% plate has decrease 5 dollars America / tons, down longer 375-385 dollars America / tons.

Particularly rice 25% plate and rice plate existing still stable compared with price level of week before and be greet sold times turns of with price 355-365 dollars America / tons and 335-345 dollars America / tons.

Price rice export Vietnam reduce is go vice versa with common trend of the world by according statistical of Agriculture Organization salary world (FAO), precious 1-2013, rice prices export of world increase 2% compared with same period, in when which, VFA, for know per military prices rice export quarter of 1-2013 of Vietnam has reduce come 44.52 dollars America / tons.

Ly Prize of leaders VFA at meetings food industry should past time for know export enterprises rice Vietnam lowering selling price due to concerns be season in India and Thai Lan discharge warehouses reserves. However, according page information specialized about rice Oryza, Government Thai Lan medium decision to temporarily postponed bidding sold out 500,000 tons rice due low price.

In a post write posted on TBKTSG, he Nguyễn Dinh Bich, experts rice industry Vietnam, for that though Thai Lan have discharge warehouses reserves also can not compete floating with Vietnam by price differences export between Vietnam and Thai Lan is very huge (At present disparity come approximately 170 dollars America / tons, rice 5% plate).

For with the domestic market, when exchanging with Economic Times Sài Gòn Online today 24-4, many traders rice business at Mekong Delta for know paddy prices rice inland currently still stable compared with week before.

He Duong Van Mến, traders rice business at Lap Vo district, Dong Thap, for know paddy IR 50404 fresh (summer-autumn rice soon) at Dong Thap currently have prices only 4400-4450 copper / Birth Lot gam and 5000-5100 copper / Birth Lot gam respect with dry rice.

Rice raw materials currently be warehouses of the export enterprises rice in Dong Thap and cities Need Thơ buy into very weak, have prices fluctuated around level of 6700-6750 copper / Birth Lot gam respect with kinds rice processing 5% plate and 6600-6650 copper / Birth Lot gam respect with kind of processing 15% plate.



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